Friday, May 20, 2011

Final Blog Entry

1.       There are two ways we look at race, sociological and biological. The sociological view on race is how a group of people in our society associate with others. It’s the study of human behavior. For example if you are darker skinned you may be looked upon as African American or Mexican, depending on your skin tone. The biological view is more than just the physical features of a person, but it’s also the social side is the way of life and behavior of a race and or races. Biological is always scientific while social is usually portrayed as psychological but can also be sociology. One article we read in class was about how American Americans were biologically superior athletes. I learned, based on scientific information that East Africans are better long distance running. It was not based on their looks; it was based on their environment, body type, workout, diet, etc. By reading a couple articles on this topic I realized that some different groups of people are good at certain sport, not because of the way they look but based on their beliefs, health and skill.

This is a picture of a color chart, used to define your skin color. I believe the IAT test does not define your race just because it only judges the color of your skin. Someone may look American Indian when they’re really Asian, depending on their traits. This chart really doesn’t define race.
2.    Looking back at the beginning of the semester and comparing it to now, I learned and know a lot more about our society. I analyze things and people differently now. For example the way people talk or act in certain situations. Learning about the different social classes was my favorite. It was very interesting to see what others had verses others. Watching that movie in class about social class and seeing the lowest social class really opened my eyes. Growing up in Barrington you never see much of that and it made me realize I have it very lucky that I’m able to go to college or even own a car. I also liked seeing how much our society changed in the sense of the school dress code and technology. I liked all of the topics we went over and will keep using the knowledge I learned in this class in my everyday life.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Stereotypes and social classes

Physical attractiveness defines stereotypes and our social interaction in everyday life. First we see the features of the person or hear things about them. Then we fit what we see or hear into stereotypes. From that we expect that person to act in a certain way, or we judge their actions or attitudes. Many times, that person gets ideas on how we perceive him or her. To match our expectations, we confirm the stereotype. Social classes usually bring to mind certain stereotypes. For example, the upper class is stereotyped as sophisticated, educated and wealthy (beautiful people) by the way they dress, eat and socialize. They dress in the latest fashion trends (no matter what the cost), eat at high-end restaurants and attend many social events. Many middle class and lower class people think of them as stuck up and as people who care only about themselves. As for middle class, their stereotype is viewed as an average working American. They may dress in ordinary clothes with an occasional splurge, they eat out at moderate restaurants and occasionally participate in social events.  They make a living to get by and can sometimes afford a few perks along the way. But as for the lower class, they are judged as red necks, blue collar workers or just poor (sometimes irresponsible, unmotivated, ugly people). They are viewed as people without a good education who may work at fast food restaurants or are unemployed and unwilling to work hard to find a job.  Many times they are associated with bad grooming. In the move we are watching in class it showed how we viewed them, by showing them jumping in pools of mud and a grape spitting contest. Our society is very harsh when it comes to stereotypes and social classes. Instead of getting to know someone, we judge them by their background, where they live or how they act and dress, even before we get to know the person. We, as a society, go totally against the saying “Don’t judge a book by its cover”.  In economies like the one that exists today, there are many unemployed, depressed people who were recently in that middle or even upper class.  Many times, poor and homeless people were very responsible people who faced unexpected hard times and have not been able to recover.  Unfortunately, our society often judges them before they know the whole story. Physical attractiveness and stereotypes will always be around in America.

How we may see the middle/lower class
How we see the Upper class people

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Social Class

The definition of social class is a group of people in society who share a common income, education and occupational level.  The same types of personalities can be found in the higher, middle and lower classes even though their living conditions and experiences may be very different.  For example, kids that are raised in an upper or middle class may have the opportunity to experience more social and recreational events—vacations, restaurants, music venues, etc.  They will usually be given more things including clothes and electronics.  Some will appreciate it and some will not.  Most people in Barrington are in the upper class, resulting in a better education, designer clothing and nice houses.  Is this all good?  It is not!  Many kids are downright spoiled!  They may also take advantage of their environment.  They have more than they could ever use.  Some will share their wealth and some won’t.  In class we did an activity where cookies were distributed to the students based on their fictitious social status.  Those that were in the “upper class” received more cookies than those that were in the “lower class”.  Some of the kids with many cookies kept all of them for themselves, but some of the kids shared them with those less fortunate.  This happens in our society when some of the fortunate give to charities and volunteer their time to help others.  It is also a fact that in the lower classes, we have generous, caring people and we also have greedy, self-centered people.  Many times, how we are raised and the influence of our parents and families will mold us into the people we become.  This happens at all income levels, no matter what social status we are in.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Perfect People

Do we live in a world of perfectly beautiful people or do advertisers just want us to believe that?  Billboards, magazines, television—they’re all filled with gorgeous people.  Many times, they are the product of makeup, hair products, fashion designers, photo shop and even surgery.  What do you think of when you see a magazine like GQ or Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue?  Do you compare yourself to these perfect models?  Unfortunately, many people, young and old, do.

Yes, there are some positives to this exposure to the perfect people.  Many times, it encourages people who lead an unhealthy lifestyle to become more fit.  It may also encourage someone to want to look their best.  That, in turn, could have an effect on their personality, friendships and lifestyle.  When someone feels good about themselves, they act more confident and may be more successful.

There are many potential downsides and even dangers related to the pressure of competing with the pretty people in our society.  As we discussed in class, many people today want that perfect face and body.  What many men and women don’t realize is that those “pretty people” are not a natural, but are the result of amazing photo shop technology and the help of many makeup and hair experts.  People will spend hard-earned money and precious time on products and procedures that may have little or no effect.  Women may suffer from a lack of self confidence and even depression because they feel inadequate when compared to the “perfect people” stereotypes.  Some may even suffer from eating disorders.  Advertising has changed our society.  From the beginning of time, people have always wanted to be beautiful.  Today it has become more of an obsession.

These two pictures are an example of the use of photoshop. We always see the after result, "the perfect people", but we never see the before picture--the real person.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Networking, yesterday and today

Social networking has changed the world. When my grandma was seventeen years old, she had to walk two farms down to talk to her best friend. She would never think of doing it in the middle of the night unless it was an emergency.  Most likely, her “chores” had to be finished before she left the house.  People socialized “in person” back then.  In our society today, we are “internet socializers”.  You can easily open Facebook on your smart phone or computer and talk to your best friend all you want and anytime you want to.  I am sure we are all guilty, at one time or another, of ignoring things that should be done (homework, chores, etc.) because we are caught up in the internet daze.  We easily spend hours a day socializing and searching websites.  Yes, the internet has improved our society a lot by making communication easier with each other, but at the same time it has also had negative effects.  A positive example of the use of social networking can be when you’re having trouble with your homework. You could ask anybody--friend, someone in your class, a teacher/professor--to help you by emailing them or writing on their wall on Facebook or Myspace. Also social networking makes it easier to stay in touch with family and friends that may not live by you. A negative is that many teens are not smart about what they share online. This leads to people becoming addicted to these sites such as Facebook and MySpace. In some cases it results in stalking, rapes and even death. I personally use a networking site of my own. I really like it because it makes it easier to talk to friends and family. Face it, in our crazy, busy lives, sometimes this is the only way we can stay in touch. Unfortunately, some of the things that my classmates have put up on their pages are just terrible. These include raunchy pictures and nasty comments. Even cyber bullying has gotten out of hand. Most of the time, kids can’t say what they want to say to each other’s faces, but they hide behind their computer or smart phone and are very comfortable saying it over the internet.  This usually makes matters worse.  In addition to all of these possible negative results, what also matters to me is the loss of a true, heart-to-heart, in-person conversation.  There is no way that a computer or smart phone can take the place of a sympathetic look, a high-five or a hug.  Words sent over the internet cannot compete.  It amazes me how communication on the internet is a must in our society now.   However, as our society has evolved into the busy, non-stop, highly-competitive world of today, the internet allows us to reach out to others whenever it fits into our schedules.  I plan to do my best and hope that our society in general also attempts to keep enough in-person contact in their lives to balance our electronic relationships.
Here’s a picture of the most commonly used social networking sites in our society.
Let’s hope our society doesn’t forget the importance of face to face commutation with others.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Human Trafficking

Trafficking of people is the fastest growing and the second largest criminal enterprise in the world. Sex trafficking is one of the most lucrative sectors of the trade including people, bride trafficking and commercial sexual abuse of children. Traffickers generate billions of dollars in profits every year while victimizing millions of people around the globe.  Simply put, human trafficking is modern-day slavery involving victims who are forced, defrauded or coerced into labor or sexual exploitation. There are an estimated 27 million people trapped in such slavery at this moment, most of them children. The average age of victims is 11-14 and 80% of them are girls. About 1000 girls in this society as young as 8 are trafficked nightly. Over 30,000 children were abducted in Northern Uganda and forced to become child soldiers or sex slaves.  Sex trafficking is very harmful to the victims. The consequences include physical and psychological trauma, disease like HIV/AIDS, pregnancy and possibly death. It’s a huge problem in Uganda’s society.  Purse of Hope helps save many women in Uganda exposed to trafficking; it’s a non-profitable charitable organization that brings awareness to the massive global industry of human trafficking. They provide aid and aftercare to its victims. I think it’s a great organization and they do a great job spreading the word. It’s awesome to see what a huge impact our society can have towards another’s society across the world.  

I like this picture because it shows how certain societies treat people like their animals (livestock) and how they label them with price tags. For example how women in Uganda sell themselves in order to make a living.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Beautiful People

What does it mean to be beautiful? Every culture has their own opinion about what it means to be beautiful. What one culture thinks is beautiful, another may feel is ugly. “Body image involves our perception, imagination, emotions, and physical sensations of and about our bodies” in relation to values that are not necessarily innate but “learned or expected culturally”. For example, the Geisha Girls of Japan have white painted faces with elegant hairdos and colorful kimonos that cover their entire bodies. This is a classic look for a beautiful woman in Japan.

On the other side of the world, you will find a totally different concept of beauty—The California Girl or Guy. She or he is a bleached blonde beauty with a golden tan and a skimpy bikini. To many in the United States, the classic meaning of beautiful is a young woman or man with a fit body who isn’t afraid of showing it off.

Each culture looks on beauty differently; Japan may think painting their faces white is a lot prettier than having a golden tan. “Standards of beauty vary so greatly from one culture to another that what one group finds attractive, another may not”.  We strive to be the beautiful people of our culture, to be what is accepted by others as beautiful in our society.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Norms and Sanctions

On Tuesday, senior teachers taught us about norms and sanctions. Speaking the same language, being polite, marriage, going to school until at least the 10th grade, and wearing clothing every day. These are all examples of Norms. Think of your daily route, that’s a norm for everyone. A norm is the expiations about what behavior, thoughts or feelings are appropriate within a group or culture. Norms can be broken by changing the way you brush your teeth or how your second semester classes change. Men and women have many different kind of norms. Women wear makeup and while men shave their facial hair regularly. A sanction is the reward or punishment that results from a norm being followed or violated. For example a cell phone out in class and receiving four detentions. Think of your own norms or Sanctions that you regulary do; also see how many you break. It’s cool to see what society does on a daily basis without even realizing it.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Body Ritual Among the Nacirema

We read an article in class called Body Ritual Among the Nacirema.  The Nacirema have an excessive focus on the appearance and health of their bodies. They go to extreme measures to support their beliefs. For example they set up shrines in their homes which are filled with magical potions from medicine men and herbalists.  Could this be the kitchen cabinets of today which are filled with a multitude of vitamins, medicines, herbal remedies and protein shakes from are doctors and local GNC Stores? The Nacirema reward the medicine men (our doctors?) and the herbalists (the pharmacists of today?) for their services.

The Nacirema can only use holy water during their rituals, which water comes from the local Water Temple. Today the “Water Temples” are named Dasani and Aquafina.

Another ritual that the Nacirema strongly believe in involves rinsing of children mouths to improve their “moral fiber”.  In today’s society, some parents use soap.
Our society can become obsessive about our looks and health.  We are overrun with health clubs, vitamin stores, organic foods, diets and exercise equipment.  This is both good and bad. The good is we care about our appearance and health. The bad is that we tend to go to extremes, and people that profit from these health-related products take advantage of us.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Freaks and Geeks

In class we watched an episode of Freaks and Geeks, and studied the aspects of society from that episode. Examples of Manifest and Latent functions were shown in this show very clearly. At one point a high school girl is confronted my her dad at home. He says that school is for learning first, but you should also learn to socialize at school. The dad wanted his daughter to go to the homecoming dance. The dad tells us that high schools manifest function is for learning, but its latent function is socializing.
            This episode also showed an example of symbolic interaction. A “bad boy” asked a “good girl” to join him on the smoking patio. The boy could be a good kid, but because he hangs around the smoking patio it makes him a bad kid. The smoking patio symbolizes bad things.
            This show shows very clearly the way society works in high school, and gives examples of different functions in society.  
            In this article it talks about the different points of view that Manifest and Latent functions can be looked at. Schools produce a very clear view on how manifest and latent work, but there are many more examples.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Silence, is it awkward?

I believe that silence is only awkward if you make it awkward. In class on Tuesday are teacher sat in the corn of the room working and not starting class right away. No one seemed to notice at first so things were not awkward. But about five minutes later, people started wondering why she wasn’t starting class yet. Things started to get awkward because people started making it awkward by ending their side conversations or asking questions. I believe people do have side conversations so things will be less awkward by making noise. I also think everyone was thrown off by the teacher’s actions because we are so use to teachers staring class right away. By filling the room with noise made everyone feel more comfortable and less awkward. I think it’s a habit for people to try to make things less awkward in a quiet situation or others may make things awkward by throwing a daily routine off.

Friday, January 28, 2011

About Me

I love playing volleyball, and planning on playing in college. My top college choices are Carthage or University of White Water, both in Wisconsin. I plan on studying physical education and athletic training/personal trainer. I have a brother that is a sophomore at the University of Dayton. I have two cats named Simba and Nala, who are sisters. I love my family and look up to them. Other activates I enjoy doing are wakeboarding, tubing, hanging with friends and traveling. A goal of mine is to go again to the Junior Olympics for beach volleyball. Another goal of mine is to keep improving on my indoor volleyball skills. My biggest goal is to graduate college and find a job I love. Maybe even come back to Barrington and teach.