Friday, February 25, 2011

Norms and Sanctions

On Tuesday, senior teachers taught us about norms and sanctions. Speaking the same language, being polite, marriage, going to school until at least the 10th grade, and wearing clothing every day. These are all examples of Norms. Think of your daily route, that’s a norm for everyone. A norm is the expiations about what behavior, thoughts or feelings are appropriate within a group or culture. Norms can be broken by changing the way you brush your teeth or how your second semester classes change. Men and women have many different kind of norms. Women wear makeup and while men shave their facial hair regularly. A sanction is the reward or punishment that results from a norm being followed or violated. For example a cell phone out in class and receiving four detentions. Think of your own norms or Sanctions that you regulary do; also see how many you break. It’s cool to see what society does on a daily basis without even realizing it.

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